Foreman CLI is now a gem

Brian Gupta did a great job with coming up with a CLI for foreman, and just released it as a gem.

To install, simply run:

gem install foremancli

foremancli -h

Usage: foremancli [options] ...
    -d, --debug                      Output more information
    -u, --user USER                  Foreman user
    -p, --pass PASSWORD              Foreman password
    -s, --server URL                 Foreman Server URL
        --json                       JSON output
        --yaml                       YAML output
        --status                     Foreman status
        --custom COLLECTION          Custom COLLECTION string, see:
        --architectures [filter]     Retreive a list of architectures
        --common_parameters [filter] Retreive a list of common_parameters
        --config_templates [filter]  Retreive a list of config_templates
        --domains [filter]           Retreive a list of domains
        --environments [filter]      Retreive a list of environments
        --fact_values [filter]       Retreive a list of fact_values
        --hosts [filter]             Retreive a list of hosts
        --hostgroups [filter]        Retreive a list of hostgroups
        --media [filter]             Retreive a list of media
        --puppetclasses [filter]     Retreive a list of puppetclasses
        --reports [filter]           Retreive a list of reports
        --roles [filter]             Retreive a list of roles
        --settings [filter]          Retreive a list of settings
        --lookup_keys [filter]       Retreive a list of lookup_keys
        --dashboard [filter]         Retreive a list of dashboard
        --operatingsystems [filter]  Retreive a list of operatingsystems
        --subnets [filter]           Retreive a list of subnets
        --ptables [filter]           Retreive a list of ptables
        --users [filter]             Retreive a list of users
        --auth_source_ldaps          Retreive a list of auth_source_ldaps
        --hypervisors                Retreive a list of hypervisors
        --lookup_values              Retreive a list of lookup_values
        --smart_proxies              Retreive a list of smart_proxies
        --statistics                 Retreive a list of statistics
        --usergroups                 Retreive a list of usergroups
        --audits                     Not implemented
        --bookmarks                  Not implemented
    -h, --help                       Show this message


     FOREMAN_SERVER                  Foreman Server URL
     FOREMAN_USER                    Foreman user
     FOREMAN_PASSWORD                Foreman password

     CLI options take precendence over ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES


     Please see:

     --hosts "domain = AND class = squid"
     --hosts "domain = AND facts.architecture = x86_64 AND \
       class = module::class
     --classes "name = squid"
     --domains "name ="

happy hacking

Comments from the community:

Foreman 3.12.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.11.2 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.