Security process

We take security issues seriously and welcome responsible disclosure from researchers discovering vulnerabilities in Foreman. Please email (a private address for the security team) with all reports. If you notice the security issue is related to a particular plugin, please mention the plugin within the body of the email to help us in routing the issue to the most authoritative source.

We will endeavour to resolve high severity issues in the current stable release and lower severity issues in the next major release. Announcements of security issues will be made on this page and in the Release Announcements category of our community forums when a release containing a fix is available to end users and credit will be given to the researcher if desired.

The policy of the project is to treat all newly reported issues as private, and after evaluation, low to medium severity issues will be made public while high severity issues will be fixed under an embargo. Typically the project supports only one major (x.y) release at a time, though high severity issues may also be fixed in the previous release if it was only recently superseded.

Security advisories

All security advisories made for Foreman are listed below with their corresponding CVE identifier.

Disclosure details

CVE-2024-7923: Authentication bypass in Pulpcore

An authentication bypass vulnerability has been identified in Pulpcore when deployed by the Foreman Installer with Gunicorn versions prior to 22.0.

This issue arises from the way Apache is configured to do certificate authentication and pass this information to the Gunicorn backend, without unsetting all headers coming from a possibly malicious client.

  • Affects Katello 4.0.0 and higher
  • Fix released in Foreman 3.10.1, 3.11.2, 3.12.0
  • GitHub PR puppet-pulpcore#357

CVE-2024-7012: Authentication bypass in Foreman

An authentication bypass vulnerability has been identified in Foreman when deployed by the Foreman Installer with External Authentication.

This issue arises from the way Apache is configured to do certificate authentication and pass this information to the Puma backend, without unsetting all headers coming from a possibly malicious client.

  • Affects Foreman 2.2.0 and higher
  • Fix released in Foreman 3.10.1, 3.11.2, 3.12.0
  • GitHub PR puppet-foreman#1181

CVE-2023-4886: World readable tomcat server.xml contains passwords

The world readable file /etc/tomcat/server.xml contains passwords for the keystore and truststore. The actual stores are limited by file permissions, but server.xml should also be limited.

  • Affects Katello
  • Fix released in Foreman 3.8.0
  • Redmine issue #36760

CVE-2022-4130: Blind SSRF via Referer header

A blind site-to-site request forgery vulnerability was found in Satellite server. It is possible to trigger an external interaction to an attacker’s server by modifying the Referer header in an HTTP request of specific resources in the server.

  • Affects Foreman
  • Fix released in Foreman 3.8.0
  • Redmine issue #36768

CVE-2022-3874: OS command injection via ct_command and fcct_command

ct_command and fcct_command settings, available via Administer - Settings, both accept arbitrary strings as the command name and calling CoreOS templates will execute those commands as the user Foreman runs under. By default, only Foreman super administrator can access settings.

  • Affects Foreman 3.2.0 and higher
  • Fix released in Foreman 3.8.0
  • Redmine issue #36759

CVE-2021-3584: Remote code execution through Sendmail configuration

Sendmail location and arguments, available via Administer - Settings, both accept arbitrary strings and pass them into shell. By default, only Foreman super administrator can access settings.

  • Affects Foreman 1.15.0 and higher
  • Fix released in Foreman 2.4.1, 2.5.1 and 3.0.0
  • Redmine issue #32753

CVE-2021-20256: BMC controller credential leak via API

A password leak was identified on Foreman which will expose BMC password in plaintext through the host API.

  • Affects Foreman 1.4.0 and higher
  • Fix released in Foreman 2.5.0
  • Redmine issue #31937

CVE-2021-20259: Proxmox compute resource password leak

Proxmox compute resource credentials (password) were visible to any user with view_compute_resource permission in the API under /api/compute_resources/ and /api/compute_resources/:id/.

  • Affects Foreman Fog Proxmox 0.11.0 and higher
  • Fix released in Foreman Fog Proxmox 0.13.1 and higher

CVE-2021-3413: Azure compute resource secret_key leak

Azure compute resource credentials (secret_key) were visible to any user with view_compute_resource permission in the API under /api/compute_resources/ and /api/compute_resources/:id/.

  • Affects Foreman Azure RM 2.0.1 and higher
  • Fix released in Foreman Azure RM 2.2.0 and higher
  • Redmine issue #31938

CVE-2020-14335: World readable dhcp OMAPI secret could expose dhcp API access

OMAPI key used to secure dhcp API access could have been read by anyone with access to the hosting system.

Mitigation: override /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf file mode to 0640 and ensure access to the file for user foreman-proxy by other means.

On Red Hat based systems, acls are used by default, so you need to only set less permissive mode and you should be set. On Debian based systems, you need to install acls and set read access to the /etc/dhcp directory by acls. To set correct acls install acl package and use setfacl -R -m u:foreman-proxy:rx /etc/dhcp.

In case the system may have been accessed locally by an un-trusted user, it may be prudent to change the OMAPI secret for dhcp.

  • Affects foreman-proxy installations with dhcp feature protected by dhcp_key_secret since Foreman 1.0
  • Fix released in Foreman 2.2.0 and 2.1.3 and higher
  • Redmine issue #30489

CVE-2020-14380: Users can gain elevated rights when logging via external authentication

Users that are authenticated using external authentication methods such as Kerberos, OpenID Connect or Apache SSO can gain the rights of an internal user. This is possible only when the username of an internal and external user is the same.

  • Affects external user authentication since Foreman 1.4
  • Fix released in Foreman 2.2.0, 2.1.3 and 2.0.3 and higher
  • Redmine issue #30739

CVE-2020-14334: World readable cache could expose sensitive settings

Even encrypted settings have their raw values cached. Too permissive mode on cache dir caused, that anyone with access to the hosting system could read this encrypted settings.

Mitigation: override /run/foreman directory mode to 0750. To do so in a manner that survives reboot, update the file /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/foreman.conf.

d /run/foreman 0750 foreman foreman -

For the change to have effect immediately run systemd-tmpfiles --create.

In case the system may have been accessed locally by an un-trusted user, it may be prudent to change any secrets stored in the settings, such as OAuth keys or remote execution passwords.

  • Affects RPM installations using file cache since Foreman 1.3
  • Fix released in Foreman 2.2.0, 2.1.1 and 2.0.2 and higher
  • Redmine issue #30490

CVE-2019-14825: Registry credentials are captured in plain text in dynflow task during repository discover

A cleartext password storage issue was discovered in Katello. Registry credentials used during container image discovery were inadvertently logged without being masked. This could expose the registry credentials to other privileged users.

  • Affects Katello 3.4 and higher.
  • Fix released in Katello 3.14.0 and higher.
  • Redmine issue #27485

CVE-2019-10198: Authorization bypass in foreman tasks plugin

The Foreman tasks plugin allowed authenticated users to view task details even if they lack the permission to do so. This bypass requires prior knowledge of the task UUID, which can not be easily guessed.

  • Affects Foreman tasks 0.7.8 and higher.
  • Fix released in Foreman tasks 0.15.7 and higher.
  • Redmine issue #27275

CVE-2019-3845: Lack of access control around Qpid message broker

Katello installations include the Apache Qpid message broker and dispatch router services. It was found that due to the lack of access permissions around the message broker and router, clients using the katello-agent for package management could invoke QMF (QPid Management Framework) actions against the broker. QMF enables broker settings, queues, exchanges, etc. to be manipulated and those actions could compromise communication between hosts and the server, or allow undesired katello-agent actions to be invoked across clients. This issue was reported by Pavel Moravec.

  • Affects Katello 1.4 and higher.
  • Fix released with Foreman 1.20.3 (Katello 3.10.1), Foreman 1.21.3 (Katello 3.11.1) and higher.
  • Redmine issue #26571

CVE-2019-3893: Compute resource credentials exposed during deletion on API

When deleting a compute resource via the API, the API responded with details of the compute resource, including credentials in clear text. Users not able to upgrade should ensure the delete_compute_resource permission is not granted to users not trusted with the credentials.

  • Affects Foreman 1.1 and higher.
  • Fix released with Foreman 1.21.1.
  • Redmine issue #26450

CVE-2018-14664: Persisted XSS on all pages that use breadcrumbs

If user has the permission to edit resource which attribute is user in the breadcrumbs bar, it’s not properly escaped allowing attacker to store code, that will be executed on client side. E.g. create a domain with name, then go to its edit form. See the breadcrumb didn’t escape the HTML code.

  • Affects Foreman 1.18 and higher
  • Fix released with Foreman 1.18.3
  • Redmine issue #25169

CVE-2018-1097: oVirt credentials exposed by power API

When sending a power action to a host provisioned on an oVirt compute resource, the API responded with details of the compute resource, including credentials in clear text.

  • Affects Foreman 1.3 and higher.
  • Fix released with Foreman 1.16.1.
  • Redmine issue #22546

CVE-2018-1096: SQL injection on dashboard

One of the parameters passed when saving dashboard widget positions was not properly escaped, leading to possibility of SQL injection attack. Due to the nature of the query the impact is limited to possible information disclosure and does not allow modifications to the database.

This issue was reported by Martin Povolný of Red Hat.

  • Affects Foreman 1.9 and higher.
  • Fix released with Foreman 1.16.1.
  • Redmine issue #23028

Facts reported by hosts that contain HTML code in their fact name or value could cause said HTML to be executed by users’ browser when hovering over fact distribution charts on the facts page, on the statistic page and on the trends page.

This issue was reported by Roman Mueller.

  • Affects Foreman 1.2 and higher.
  • Fix released with Foreman 1.16.0
  • Redmine issue #21519

CVE-2017-7535: Stored XSS when assigning unassigned hosts to organization/location

An organization or location named e.g. <script>do_evil();</script> may cause the script to be executed if a user tries to assign selected or all unassigned hosts to said organization or location.

This issue was reported by Sanket Jagtap.

  • Affects Foreman 1.1 and higher.
  • Fix released with Foreman 1.16.0
  • Redmine issue #20963

CVE-2017-7505: User scoped in organization with permissions for user management can manage administrators that are not assigned to any organization

User with *_users permissions who is assigned to some organization(s) can do all operations granted by these permissions on all administrator user objects. We considered admin to effectively be present in all organizations.

The issue was reported by David Caplan.

  • Affects Foreman 1.5 and higher
  • Fix released with Foreman 1.15.1
  • Redmine issue #19612

CVE-2017-2672: audit log stores plain text compute resource image passwords

Compute resource images added/registered in Foreman with username and password credentials will have the password stored in plain text in the audit log. A user with permission to view the audit log can view the password and may gain access to newly provisioned hosts.

This issue was reported by Daniel Kimsey.

  • Affects Foreman 1.4 and higher
  • Fix released with Foreman 1.15.0-RC2
  • Redmine issue #19169

CVE-2017-2667: Hammer CLI does not verify server SSL certificate

HTTPS connections initiated by Hammer CLI to the API server do not perform validation of the server SSL/TLS certificate, allowing for a man-in-the-middle attack against the user.

This issue was reported by Tomas Strachota.

  • Affects all versions of Hammer CLI
  • Fix released in Hammer CLI 0.10.0 (with Foreman 1.15.0)
  • Redmine issue #19033

CVE-2016-9593: foreman-debug collects sensitive data

It was found that foreman-debug did not obfuscate sensitive information (such as passwords, answer and configuration options) from the foreman-installer log file, allowing a user authorized to access the archives created by foreman-debug to gain access to potentially sensitive information.

This issue was reported by Pavel Moravec.

  • Affects Foreman 1.2.0 up to and including 1.14.x
  • Fix released with Foreman 1.15.0-RC1
  • Redmine issue #17005

CVE-2016-8639: settings dropdown menus may run stored XSS in org/location name

If an organization or location is created with a name containing HTML, then the administrator-only Settings page will render the HTML as part of a dropdown menu.

This may permit a stored XSS attack if an organization/location with HTML in the name is created, then an administrator attempts to change the default organization/location settings.

Mitigation: restrict permissions to organization and location creation, use the API or CLI instead to change the default organization/location settings.

Note: this CVE identifier has been assigned retrospectively, to describe a vulnerability that was fixed during a refactoring of the affected code.

This issue was reported by Sanket Jagtap.

  • Affects Foreman 1.11.0 to 1.12.4
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.13.0
  • Redmine issue #15037

CVE-2016-8634: organizations/locations wizard may run stored XSS in name

When creating an organization or location in Foreman, if the name contains HTML then the second step of the wizard will render the HTML. This occurs in the alert box on the page.

This may permit a stored XSS attack if an organization/location with HTML in the name is created, then a user is linked directly to this URL.

Mitigation: restrict permissions to organization and location creation, don’t follow untrusted links to Foreman.

This issue was reported by Sanket Jagtap.

  • Affects Foreman 1.1 and higher
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.14.0-RC1
  • Redmine issue #17195

CVE-2016-7078: user with no organizations or locations can see all resources

A user account that is associated to no organizations or locations is able to view resources from all organizations/locations in the web UI or API, when either the organization or location feature is enabled. The user remains subject to permissions and filters on their assigned roles.

Mitigation: ensure all users are assigned to at least one organization or location, or disable the feature if unused.

This issue was reported by Daniel Lobato Garcia.

  • Affects all known Foreman versions
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.15.0-RC1
  • Redmine issue #16982

CVE-2016-7077: information disclosure from association lists shown without authorization

Lists of associated resources, such as operating systems associated to a new architecture, are not restricted to listing resources that the user is authorized to view, when rendering with fewer than six items. The list will show all possible associated resources, disclosing their names.

This issue was reported by Jitendra Yejare.

  • Affects Foreman 1.1 and higher, but was first mitigated against in Foreman 1.9.0 for some cases
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.14.0-RC1
  • Redmine issue #16971

CVE-2016-6320: network interface device identifiers may contain stored XSS on host form

Network interface identifiers stored for hosts may contain HTML or JavaScript that allows a stored XSS (cross-site scripting) vulnerability when later viewing the host edit form.

This issue was reported by Sanket Jagtap.

  • Affects Foreman 1.8.0 and higher
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.12.2
  • Redmine issue #16022

CVE-2016-6319: Foreman form helpers do not escape JS when rendering label

Label parameter of all form helpers was not escaped allowing XSS (cross-site scripting). The Foreman itself did not contain exploitable code but other plugins that relied on form helpers could be vulnerable. One known vulnerable plugin is Remote Execution. All versions of this plugin are affected.

  • Affects Foreman 1.6.0 and higher
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.12.2
  • Redmine issue #16024

CVE-2016-5390: API host interfaces data not restricted by view_hosts filters

Non-admin users with the view_hosts permission containing a filter are able to access API routes beneath “hosts” such as GET /api/v2/hosts/secrethost/interfaces without the filter being taken into account. This allows users to access network interface details (including BMC login details) for any host.

The filter is only correctly used when accessing the main host details (/api/v2/hosts/secrethost). Access to the “nested” routes, which includes interfaces, reports, parameters, audits, facts and Puppet classes, is not authorized beyond requiring any view_hosts permission.

  • Affects Foreman 1.10.0 and higher
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.12.1 and 1.11.4
  • Redmine issue #15653

CVE-2016-4995: information disclosure through unauthorized template previews

Users who are logged in with permissions to view some hosts are able to preview provisioning templates for any host by specifying its hostname in the URL, as the specific view_hosts permissions and filters aren’t checked.

If the organization or location features are enabled, the user will still be restricted to their associated orgs/locs.

  • Affects Foreman 1.11.0 and higher
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.12.1 and 1.11.4
  • Redmine issue #15490

CVE-2016-4475: Privilege escalation in Organization and Locations API and UI

When accessing Foreman as a user limited to specific organization or location, these are not taken into account in the API or parts of the UI. This allows a user to view, edit and delete organizations and locations they are not associated with if they have the requisite permissions.

Mitigation: make sure you have filters restricted to organizations or locations when you limit user by assigning them to particular organizations or locations.

  • Affects Foreman 1.1 and higher
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.12.0-RC3 and 1.11.4
  • Redmine issue #15268

CVE-2016-4451: Privilege escalation through Organization and Locations API

When accessing Foreman as a user limited to specific organization, if users know other organization id and have unlimited filters they can access/modify other organization data. They just have to set the id as API parameter.

Mitigation: make sure you have filters restricted to organizations or locations when you limit user by assigning him particular organization or location.

  • Affects Foreman 1.7 and higher
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.12.0-RC1 and 1.11.3
  • Redmine issue #15812

CVE-2016-3728: remote code execution in smart proxy TFTP API

The smart proxy TFTP API is vulnerable to arbitrary remote code execution, as it passes untrusted user input (the PXE template type) to the eval() function causing it to be executed.

Thanks to Lukas Zapletal for reporting the issue.

Mitigation: ensure trusted_hosts is set in /etc/foreman-proxy/settings.yml, HTTPS is in use and /etc/foreman-proxy/settings.d/tftp.yml is configured for https only (if enabled).

  • Affects Foreman 0.2 and higher
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.11.2 and 1.10.4
  • Redmine issue #14931

CVE-2016-3693: application information leakage through templates

A provisioning template containing inspect will expose sensitive information about the Rails controller and application when rendered when using Safemode rendering (the default setting). This includes the application secret token, possibly permitting a privilege escalation.

Thanks to Ivan Necas for reporting the issue.

As a precaution, the security token may be regenerated with:

  1. chown foreman /usr/share/foreman/config/initializers/local_secret_token.rb
  2. foreman-rake security:generate_token
  3. chown root /usr/share/foreman/config/initializers/local_secret_token.rb

Mitigation: remove edit_provisioning_templates from untrusted users.

  • Affects all known Foreman versions
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.11.1
  • Redmine issue #14635

Ruby code execution via Discovery settings

It is possible to run arbitrary Ruby code entering it on the Administer - Settings - Discovery and then visiting a discovered host detail page where it gets rendered.

  • Affects Foreman Discovery 4.2.0 to 5.0.1 (gem releases only, rc and nightly builds)
  • Discovery plugin 4.1 series (shipped with Foreman 1.10) was not affected.
  • Fixed in Discovery plugin 5.0.2
  • Redmine issue #14140

CVE-2016-2100: private bookmarks can be viewed and edited

Bookmarks set to ‘private’ can be viewed by any user, and edited or deleted by any user granted the edit or destroy_bookmarks permissions.

Mitigation: remove edit_bookmarks and destroy_bookmarks from untrusted users, remove private information from bookmark searches.

  • Affects Foreman 0.3 and higher
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.11.0-RC2 and 1.10.3
  • Redmine issue #13828

CVE-2015-7518: parameter information popup allows stored XSS

The popup boxes next to global parameters, smart class parameters and smart variables on the host and host group edit forms can allow stored XSS to be executed in the browser from the parameter description etc.

Mitigation: do not click on the information popup box next to parameters in the host/group forms, and/or remove permission to edit Puppet classes from untrusted users.

  • Affects all known Foreman versions
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.10.0
  • Redmine issue #12611

SQL injection via facts search terms

The search for facts and also hosts by facts is vulnerable to SQL injection by breaking out of quotes in either the fact name or the fact value.

No CVE identifier will be assigned to this vulnerability as it affects only release candidates.

  • Affects Foreman 1.10.0-RC1 and higher
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.10.0-RC3
  • Redmine issue #12458

CVE-2015-5282: parameter hide checkbox allows stored XSS during change

The parameter management UI has a checkbox to mark values as hidden to mask them from casual viewing. The checkbox that hides/shows the value fails to handle HTML properly and so is vulnerable to an XSS issue where HTML can be stored in a parameter, and executed by another user if they later tick/untick the hide box.

  • Affects Foreman 1.7.0 and higher
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.10.0-RC1
  • Redmine issue #11859

CVE-2015-5246: Active Directory login works with old password after change

This CVE identifier was assigned before realizing that this was not a bug in Foreman, but a feature of Active Directory. It will remain assigned for future reference only. See the Active Directory password changes section of the manual or Microsoft KB906305 for more details.

When using an Active Directory instance to log into Foreman (via an LDAP authentication source), it is possible to log into Foreman for up to one hour after a password change in AD using the old password.

  • Fix to Foreman not required, reconfigure Active Directory
  • Redmine issue #11471

CVE-2015-5233: reports show/destroy not restricted by host authorization

Users with view_reports or destroy_reports permissions allows a user to view or delete reports from any host without taking their view_hosts permission into account.

The reports list and other views combine the reports and hosts permissions to only show reports for hosts that a user can view, but the individual report show/delete pages and APIs do not apply the hosts permissions.

Mitigation: remove view_reports and destroy_reports permissions from users until a fix is available, or add a search query to the role filter to restrict it.

  • Affects Foreman 1.5.0 and higher
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.9.1 and 1.8.4
  • Redmine issue #11579

CVE-2015-5152: require_ssl does not enforce HTTPS on API

The “require_ssl” setting in /etc/foreman/settings.yml should enforce that web requests sent to Foreman over HTTP are redirected to HTTPS, but this was found not to happen with API requests (e.g. from Hammer CLI). Foreman will process API requests over HTTP, but should have redirected.

Redirection won’t help with credentials having already been sent, but should give some notification that the user/app is using the wrong URL.

Mitigation: add the following to the Apache HTTP VirtualHost, e.g. in /etc/httpd/conf.d/05-foreman.d/api_request.conf:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/api/(.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/api/$1 [R,L]
  • Affects Foreman 1.1 and higher
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.9.0-RC1
  • Redmine issue #11119

CVE-2015-3235: edit_users permission allows changing of admin passwords

A user with the edit_users permission (e.g. with the Manager role) is allowed to edit admin users. This allows them to change the password of the admin user’s account and gain access to it.

Mitigation: change roles of users with the edit_users permission, remove the Unlimited flag and set a search query of admin = false.

  • Affects all known Foreman versions
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.9.0-RC1
  • Redmine issue #10829

CVE-2015-3199: Discovery: auto provision rule not enforcing org/locations

This CVE identifier was assigned before realizing that no released versions of Foreman Discovery were affected. It will remain assigned for future reference only.

The Foreman Discovery plugin auto provisioning rules do not enforce that the rule and the assigned host group are in the same organization and location. This can allow a rule to be configured with mismatched orgs/locations, and for another user who has access to the rule but not the host group, to run it and provision a host into a group in a different org/location to their own.

  • Affects no released versions of Foreman Discovery
  • Fix released in Foreman Discovery 4.0.0
  • Redmine issue #10469

The session cookie created when accessing the Foreman web UI over HTTPS is not set with the ‘secure’ flag, which may lead to session hijacking.

If a user successfully logs into Foreman, then accesses Foreman over HTTP (which redirects to HTTPS, but with a window of opportunity), the session ID will be sent unencrypted and the session may be hijacked by an attacker.

  • Affects all known Foreman versions
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.8.1
  • Redmine issue #10275

CVE-2015-1844: users are not restricted to organizations/locations

When a non-admin user is associated to organizations or locations, their access is not correctly restricted. API access allows access to resources in any org/location, and UI access when the user is associated to more than one org/location is not restricted.

This allows users to read, edit and perform actions on resources (e.g. hosts) outside of the organizations or locations they have been assigned to.

  • Affects Foreman 1.2.0 (TBC) and higher
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.8.0-RC3 and 1.7.5
  • Redmine issue #9947

CVE-2015-1816: SSL certificate not verified on LDAP connections

When making an SSL connection to an LDAP authentication source in Foreman, the remote server certificate is accepted without any verification against known certificate authorities.

This can allow the LDAP connection between Foreman and the LDAP server to be attacked, and a different LDAP server could be contacted to authenticate users to Foreman.

  • Affects Foreman 1.3.0 and higher
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.7.4 and 1.8.0-RC2
  • Redmine issue #9858

CVE-2014-3691: SSL certificate verification bypass in smart proxy

The smart proxy (foreman-proxy) fails to block connections when no client SSL certificate is supplied, instead permitting any request. Typically the smart proxy is configured to receive HTTPS requests with a client SSL certificate that is signed by the same CA (certificate authority) as its own, preventing unauthorized access to manage services such as DHCP, DNS and the Puppet CA.

It is strongly recommended to mitigate the problem by restricting access to the smart proxy. More information on foreman-announce.

Thanks to Michael Moll, Jon McKenzie and Michael Messmore for reporting the issue.

  • Affects all known Foreman versions
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.6.2 and 1.5.4
  • Redmine issue #7822
  • Red Hat Bugzilla #1150879

CVE-2014-3653: stored cross site scripting (XSS) in template previews

Provisioning templates can store HTML and then evaluate HTML or JS content when using the editor’s preview function.

Thanks to Aaron Stone for reporting this issue.

  • Affects all known Foreman versions
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.6.1
  • Redmine issue #7483
  • Red Hat Bugzilla #1145398

CVE-2014-3590: user logout vulnerable to CSRF

The user logout function could be triggered through cross-site request forgery (e.g. a redirect), causing a user to be logged out and lose their active session.

Thanks to Jan Hutař of Red Hat for discovering this issue.

  • Affects all known Foreman versions
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.6.1
  • Redmine issue #6999
  • Red Hat Bugzilla #1128108

CVE-2014-3531: stored cross site scripting (XSS) in operating system names

Operating system names and descriptions could store and cause evaluation of HTML in page views, allowing a cross site scripting (XSS) attack against the user.

Thanks to Jan Hutař of Red Hat for discovering this issue.

  • Affects all known Foreman versions
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.5.2
  • Redmine issue #6580
  • Red Hat Bugzilla #1108745

CVE-2014-3492: stored cross site scripting (XSS) in YAML preview

The host YAML page, used to preview the Foreman response for the Puppet ENC, will evaluate HTML stored in any host data such as parameters or comments, allowing a cross site scripting (XSS) attack against the user.

  • Affects all known Foreman versions
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.4.5 and 1.5.1
  • Redmine issue #6149
  • Red Hat Bugzilla #1108241

CVE-2014-3491: stored cross site scripting (XSS) in notification dialogs

When resources (e.g. a host group) were saved or deleted through the web UI, the name of the resource would be evaluated unsafely inside the notification popup, allowing a cross site scripting (XSS) attack against the user changing the resource.

Thanks to Adam Salah of the Red Hat Satellite 6 QE Team for discovering this issue.

  • Affects all known Foreman versions
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.4.5 and 1.5.1
  • Redmine issue #5881
  • Red Hat Bugzilla #1100313

CVE-2014-0007: TFTP boot file fetch API permits remote code execution

The Smart Proxy API for downloading boot files from installation media to the TFTP server was vulnerable to remote code execution exploits.

Thanks to Lukas Zapletal of the Red Hat Foreman Team for discovering this issue.

  • Affects all known Foreman versions
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.4.5 and 1.5.1
  • Redmine issue #6086
  • Red Hat Bugzilla #1105369

CVE-2014-0208: stored cross site scripting (XSS) in search auto-completion

The search auto-completion was vulnerable to a stored cross site scripting (XSS) attack via completion of (global/host) parameters in search keys.

Thanks to Jan Hutař of Red Hat for discovering this issue.

  • Affects all known Foreman versions
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.4.4 and 1.5.0
  • Redmine issue #5471
  • Red Hat Bugzilla #1094642

CVE-2014-0192: provisioning template previews are world-readable

Provisioning templates previews (“spoof”) are accessible without authentication when used with the hostname parameter.

  • Affects Foreman 1.4.0 to 1.4.3 inclusive
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.4.4 and 1.5.0
  • Redmine issue #5436
  • Red Hat Bugzilla #1092354

CVE-2014-0135: Kafo leaves world-readable default_values.yaml file

When Kafo (used in the Foreman installer) runs, a /tmp/default_values.yaml file is written to and created with world readable permissions. This is prone to race-condition attacks and contains default values for all parameters, such as autogenerated passwords.

  • Affects all known Kafo versions
  • Fix released in Kafo 0.3.17 and 0.5.2 (to Foreman 1.4 and 1.5 repos respectively)
  • Redmine issue #4648
  • Red Hat Bugzilla #1076335

CVE-2014-0090: session fixation, new session IDs are not generated on login

Upon successful login, a new session ID was not generated for the user, so an attacker who had set the session ID in the request from the user’s browser would be able to exploit the escalated session with the user’s privileges.

Thanks to Jeremy Choi and Keqin Hong of the Red Hat HSS Pen-Test Team for discovering this issue.

  • Affects all known Foreman versions
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.4.2
  • Redmine issue #4457
  • Red Hat Bugzilla #1072151

CVE-2014-0089: stored cross site scripting (XSS) on 500 error page

The 500 error page was vulnerable to stored cross site scripting attacks, where the error message was rendered without HTML encoding. In addition, bookmarks could be saved by any user with HTML in the name which caused an error when rendering the bookmark list, leading to a 500 error and execution of the HTML in the browser.

Thanks to Jeremy Choi and Keqin Hong of the Red Hat HSS Pen-Test Team for discovering this issue.

  • Affects Foreman 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 inclusive
  • Fix released in Foreman 1.4.2
  • Redmine issue #4456
  • Red Hat Bugzilla #1071741

CVE-2013-4386: SQL injection in host/host group parameter overrides

Host and host group parameter overrides (lookup_values) allowed SQL injection from the host FQDN or host group label.

  • Fix released in Foreman 1.2.3
  • Redmine issue #3160
  • Red Hat Bugzilla #1013076

CVE-2013-4182: hosts API privilege escalation

The /api/hosts API was found to provide access to all hosts without checking whether the current user has privileges to view a particular host.

Thanks to Daniel Lobato Garcia of CERN IT-PES-PS for discovering this issue.

  • Fix released in Foreman 1.2.2
  • Redmine issue #2863
  • Red Hat Bugzilla #990374

CVE-2013-4180: DoS via hosts controller input conversion

Power and IPMI boot actions converted user input to symbols, which could lead to memory exhaustion.

Thanks to Marek Hulan of the Red Hat Foreman Team for discovering this issue.

  • Fix released in Foreman 1.2.2
  • Redmine issue #2860
  • Red Hat Bugzilla #989755

CVE-2013-2121: bookmarks remote code execution

Bookmarks could be created in Foreman containing data that was later executed arbitrarily when reading the bookmark.

Thanks to Ramon de C Valle of the Red Hat Product Security Team for discovering this issue.

  • Fix released in Foreman 1.2.0
  • Redmine issue #2631
  • Red Hat Bugzilla #968166

CVE-2013-2113: admin user creation, privilege escalation

Non-admin user with permissions to create or edit other users were able to change the admin flag, or assign roles that they themselves do not have, enabling a privilege escalation.

Thanks to Ramon de C Valle of the Red Hat Product Security Team for discovering this issue.

  • Fix released in Foreman 1.2.0
  • Redmine issue #2630
  • Red Hat Bugzilla #966804

CVE-2013-0210: Arbitrary command execution risk in smart proxy

Requests to the smart proxy Puppet run API were not properly escaped when running the Puppet command, leading to possible arbitrary command execution.

  • Fix released in Foreman 1.2.0

CVE-2013-0187: XMLHttpRequest bypasses authorization

XMLHttpRequest or AJAX requests to Foreman were not subject to authorization checks, enabling privilege escalation for authenticated users.

  • Fix released in Foreman 1.1

CVE-2013-0174: exposed hashed root passwords can be retrieved by unauthenticated remote users

The external node classifier (ENC) API in Foreman was accessible to any remote host and the output would contain the hashed root psasword (used for unattended installation). Authentication and authorization features were added to the ENC API to secure this data.

Thanks to Andreas Rogge for discovering this issue.

  • Fix released in Foreman 1.1
  • Redmine issue #2069

CVE-2013-0173: insecure fixed salt “foreman” for passwords

The salt used to hash root passwords (used for unattended installation) was fixed to the string “foreman” instead of being randomized.

  • Fix released in Foreman 1.1
  • Redmine issue #2069

CVE-2013-0171: import allows unauthenticated YAML uploads/parsing leading to arbitrary code execution

Fact and report import APIs in Foreman were accessible to any remote host and accepted YAML input, allowing arbitrary objects to be created on the Foreman server via YAML. Authentication and authorization features were added to the import APIs to prevent this.

  • Fix released in Foreman 1.1
  • Redmine issue #2121

CVE-2012-5648: SQL injection through search mechanism

Input to the search mechanism in Foreman was not escaped when constructing queries, enabling SQL injection into the resulting query.

  • Fix released in Foreman 1.0.2

CVE-2012-5477: world writable files in smart proxy

The smart proxy daemon ran with a umask of 0, causing files and directories written by it to have world-writable bits set. Files managed by the smart proxy could be modified by local users on the same host.

  • Fix released in Foreman 1.1
  • Redmine issue #1929

GPG keys

The Foreman project uses multiple GPG keys to sign packages and release artifacts. All stable releases will be signed by one of the keys. Nightly and plugin Debian packages will be signed, while nightly and plugin RPM packages will not (this may change in the future).

Signing for the Debian family of operating systems is via secure apt and more information, including verification steps can be found on the Debian web site. RPMs themselves are signed and can be verified using rpm --checksig PACKAGE. All yum repository configs set up by foreman-release RPMs or the installer will enable GPG checking by default.

Key management is changing at the time of writing to cycle nightly keys every two years, and issue limited duration keys per stable release.

Key ID Fingerprint Description Created Expires Revoked Notes
E775FF07 1DCB 15D1 2CA1 40EE F494 7E57 66CF 053F E775 FF07 Foreman Archive Signing Key 2010-11-10 2014-07-08 Used up to Foreman 1.5.1
1AA043B8 7059 542D 5AEA 367F 7873 2D02 B348 4CB7 1AA0 43B8 Foreman Automatic Signing Key (2014) 2014-07-01 2016-06-30
563278F6 AE0A F310 E2EA 96B6 B6F4 BD72 6F86 00B9 5632 78F6 Foreman Automatic Signing Key (2016) 2016-04-08 2018-04-08
667D1F07 503E FA96 89AA AD57 D693 6514 A91E 2984 667D 1F07 Foreman Release Signing Key (1.6) 2014-08-14 2015-08-14
2D762E88 730A 9338 F93E E729 2EAC 2052 4C25 8BD4 2D76 2E88 Foreman Release Signing Key (1.7) 2014-11-10 2016-11-09
225C9B71 64E3 7B1F A6C0 2416 6B53 5495 28F5 A69D 225C 9B71 Foreman Release Signing Key (1.8) 2015-03-09 2016-03-08
6E2A21BF BEA5 E3F6 AF59 7107 0241 4514 E05F 7157 6E2A 21BF Foreman Release Signing Key (1.9) 2015-06-26 2016-06-25
BE67E9DA 9EFD 673A 649D 77F5 C615 44AC C1B2 621D BE67 E9DA Foreman Release Signing Key (1.10) 2015-10-07 2016-10-06
3494A06D 6681 20FA 0528 3FD2 AF60 FC3A 335F 3A45 3494 A06D Foreman Release Signing Key (1.11) 2016-02-17 2017-02-16
7D492D06 860D D70A 378A 84CE 8D47 C10E B507 F6A6 7D49 2D06 Foreman Release Signing Key (1.12) 2016-05-31 2017-05-31
7DFE6FC2 84E7 90DF FB1D 2EAE C429 C6CD 4EA2 F7E7 7DFE 6FC2 Foreman Release Signing Key (1.13) 2016-09-05 2017-09-05
F06D8950 AF74 2A91 BF76 6333 E9FF 5EAA BFE5 1511 F06D 8950 Foreman Release Signing Key (1.14) 2016-12-06 2017-12-06
9A8DAAD5 6610 7FC8 658F F702 E849 9AC4 17A3 FD24 9A8D AAD5 Foreman Release Signing Key (1.15) 2017-03-29 2018-03-29
5245FE1D 41EE 8815 A84C ACA4 A583 5055 9C21 BCB2 8977 40E9 Foreman Release Signing Key (1.16) 2017-09-21 2018-09-21
2A8CA27B B59D DB6C AB83 5E19 14DE 4725 F5F9 54D9 2A8C A27B Foreman Release Signing Key (1.17) 2017-11-21 2018-11-21
57CEF41F 6973 3EEC D1AE 1E23 71FA 04EA 4C3D D0B3 57CE F41F Foreman Release Signing Key (1.18) 2018-04-10 2019-04-10
46020A10694FA479 CE31 59AA C3EC 09E5 1614 7754 4602 0A10 694F A479 Foreman Release Signing Key (1.19) 2018-07-17 2019-07-17
2EC99767565EA533 5C75 B050 DD06 92EB 042B 5C82 2EC9 9767 565E A533 Foreman Release Signing Key (1.20) 2018-10-15 2019-10-15
107BC89F19D72D85 BCF4 5390 2490 51C4 2432 F7EF 107B C89F 19D7 2D85 Foreman Release Signing Key (1.21) 2019-01-11 2020-01-11
9365257981403859B36B3738163F76F3B36987A9 9365 2579 8140 3859 B36B 3738 163F 76F3 B369 87A9 Foreman Release Signing Key (1.22) 2019-04-23 2020-04-22
4674C97BD8C2A3EF63BCB20788BB5C467B5B366A 4674 C97B D8C2 A3EF 63BC B207 88BB 5C46 7B5B 366A Foreman Release Signing Key (1.23) 2019-07-29 2020-07-28
D885D3D9B12FA857CDECE3F1B76498E45AA9BCAD D885 D3D9 B12F A857 CDEC E3F1 B764 98E4 5AA9 BCAD Foreman Release Signing Key (1.24) 2019-10-29 2020-10-28
06ABEFE26C1997E0C9E56508926EA0100579BAEE 06AB EFE2 6C19 97E0 C9E5 6508 926E A010 0579 BAEE Foreman Release Signing Key (2.0) 2020-02-11 2021-02-10
0F71D9EAC889A0F2C2CD8190628005A4B6F08CCF 0F71 D9EA C889 A0F2 C2CD 8190 6280 05A4 B6F0 8CCF Foreman Release Signing Key (2.1) 2020-05-12 2021-05-12
939E2FD66DF9A4104869FD182A63B068C7C509FA 939E 2FD6 6DF9 A410 4869 FD18 2A63 B068 C7C5 09FA Foreman Release Signing Key (2.2) 2020-08-03 2021-08-03
1CC363863DD64AF30638DB79C101586BE0745924 1CC3 6386 3DD6 4AF3 0638 DB79 C101 586B E074 5924 Foreman Automatic Signing Key (2.3) 2020-11-02 2021-11-02
643253F71B82B1BEAF2E1D4FA439BD55AC2AD9F1 6432 53F7 1B82 B1BE AF2E 1D4F A439 BD55 AC2A D9F1 Foreman Automatic Signing Key (2.4) 2021-02-01 2022-02-01
7EF7E6EA4022F241BB89A149955C283E7522CC3F 7EF7 E6EA 4022 F241 BB89 A149 955C 283E 7522 CC3F Foreman Automatic Signing Key (2.5) 2021-04-26 2022-04-26
C8B9E30B0DBCAB595E98DF5C965467189B776908 C8B9 E30B 0DBC AB59 5E98 DF5C 9654 6718 9B77 6908 Foreman Automatic Signing Key (3.0) 2021-08-02 2022-08-02
5B7C3E5A735BCB4D615829DC0BDDA991FD7AAC8A 5B7C 3E5A 735B CB4D 6158 29DC 0BDD A991 FD7A AC8A Foreman Automatic Signing Key (2021) 2021-07-23 2023-07-23
1CD4BC6A65EB598E53C66E176A3BF4ED1434F5D3 1CD4 BC6A 65EB 598E 53C6 6E17 6A3B F4ED 1434 F5D3 Foreman Automatic Signing Key (3.1) 2021-11-09 2022-11-09
77F7076DFD4F373EF0F0E9AC8D746ED06DA7EB32 77F7 076D FD4F 373E F0F0 E9AC 8D74 6ED0 6DA7 EB32 Foreman Automatic Signing Key (3.2) 2022-02-07 2023-02-07
5E77807805888E7F2F31A50E8321CBCA2A6A4BAA 5E77 8078 0588 8E7F 2F31 A50E 8321 CBCA 2A6A 4BAA Foreman Automatic Signing Key (3.3) 2022-05-03 2023-05-03
2A6F745AA62DE481567D3AF639D12077F120E13E 2A6F 745A A62D E481 567D 3AF6 39D1 2077 F120 E13E Foreman Automatic Signing Key (3.4) 2022-08-05 2023-08-05
51B9D1D1BADA3F001C8774046F7F9C618F5CA95B 51B9 D1D1 BADA 3F00 1C87 7404 6F7F 9C61 8F5C A95B Foreman Automatic Signing Key (3.5) 2022-11-07 2023-11-07
A21D56E01064415EDC8FC7597803ABC5FED77E93 A21D 56E0 1064 415E DC8F C759 7803 ABC5 FED7 7E93 Foreman Automatic Signing Key (3.6) 2023-02-21 2024-02-21
DC71C75A8B5438E972C645078FCB3EC0BDCC85AE DC71 C75A 8B54 38E9 72C6 4507 8FCB 3EC0 BDCC 85AE Foreman Automatic Signing Key (3.7) 2023-05-16 2024-05-15
79AAD6C6E922580DBC7BF46A0959620CCBE50FBE 79AA D6C6 E922 580D BC7B F46A 0959 620C CBE5 0FBE Foreman Automatic Signing Key (3.8) 2023-08-22 2023-08-21
7EC13BEC88DA66692700BB9ACD9851C256641D7B 7EC1 3BEC 88DA 6669 2700 BB9A CD98 51C2 5664 1D7B Foreman Automatic Signing Key (3.9) 2023-11-14 2024-11-13
63B38BE51B2DDDAFF7EF7EC90A8F8D4093DD1D0C 63B3 8BE5 1B2D DDAF F7EF 7EC9 0A8F 8D40 93DD 1D0C Foreman Automatic Signing Key (3.10) 2024-02-20 2025-02-19
CD41E7A87E353C3A26F891D24E7082461790A6E6 CD41 E7A8 7E35 3C3A 26F8 91D2 4E70 8246 1790 A6E6 Foreman Automatic Signing Key (3.11) 2024-05-20 2024-05-19
AEB8C6DDA2D3369B95E6AA414C6D3B24F1802F64 AEB8 C6DD A2D3 369B 95E6 AA41 4C6D 3B24 F180 2F64 Foreman Automatic Signing Key (3.12) 2024-08-16 2025-08-16

Key changes in July 2014

In July 2014 after a server was compromised, the existing GPG key (0xE775FF07) was revoked and replaced with a new key (0x1AA043B8) as a precaution. All existing packages were re-signed with the new key and thereafter, new major releases are signed with new per-release keys.

All users with the old key trusted are urged to immediately disable this as follows:

  • Debian users must run sudo apt-key del E775FF07
  • RPM users must run sudo rpm -e gpg-pubkey-e775ff07-4cda3cf9

More information is available in the announcement.

Foreman 3.12.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.11.2 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.