Foreman training materials

This page lists the materials available for those wishing to study/practice working with Foreman, as an alternative style to reading the manual.

Adfinis SyGroup Training Course

This training by Adfinis SyGroup gives a basic overview of Foreman and its concepts. It covers the installation, configuration and basic components. Beside the instructor slides the course also contains hands-on exercises and demos.

The content is available on GitHub and any contributions are more than welcome!

betadots Training Course

The training by betadots is designed as a three-day hands-on training in German language. It covers topics from the initial installation over content management with Katello, integration of configuration management and provisioning to plugins including their Hiera data manager and advanced topics.

They provide courses together with training partners like Linuxhotel in Essen or Heinlein Academy in Berlin regularly. Also remote trainings are available as direct order.

Guru Labs Training Course

The GL650 - FOREMAN/KATELLO ADMINISTRATION is a 4-day instructor led course that provides comprehensive hands on coverage all the of the major features of a Foreman+Katello deployment starting from best practices in installation and initial configuration, managing subscriptions, products and repositories, content views, lifecycles, activation keys, system registration of existing system, bare metal and virtualization provisioning including discovery, provisioning templates, configuration management with Puppet and Ansible, IdM integration, smart proxies/capsule servers, virt-who, and subscription management.

The class is regularly scheduled and offered on-line, in person, or onsite. Each student gets their own 6 node classroom environment to perform their in-depth lab exercises that mirror real world scenarios.

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NETWAYS Training Course

This course was developed by NETWAYS and made available to the Foreman community for use in developing training courses of their own, or for community members to use for self-study. It is designed as a two-day hands-on training course, and as well as the presentation below, it comes with handouts, exercises, and solutions.

A full-page version of the presentation can be found at

The source for this training material, along with handouts and excercises/solutions can be found on the NETWAYS GitHub page. Contribution to improve the source material is welcome!

Foreman 3.12.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.11.2 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.