Foreman Community Newsletter - November 2014

Foreman 1.7.0-RC2 released

Second release candidate for Foreman 1.7 was released. It fixes a number of issues found by folks testing RC1 and will likely become the 1.7.0 release within a week.

Much more information about the changes in Foreman 1.7 is available in
our release notes.

Foreman 1.6.3 released

Foreman 1.6.3 has been released to fix a handful of bugs. Check the release notes  for full list. This will probably be the last update of the 1.6 series.

Foreman Discovery Image 2.0 released

New major version of the Discovery Image was released. A minimized version of CentOS 7.0 is used to PXEBoot unknown bare-metal hosts and registering them in Foreman via Discovery plugin. The image does support both Foreman 1.6 and upcoming 1.7.

To download 2.0 series follow the link.For upgrade instructions see the announcement on the list.

Features in progress

A lot of effort was put into design and development of new features. The following lines are partly links to reports of current status and heads up of what you can look for in near future and partly invitationto sharing your ideas, feedback and testing.


Recently, we’ve been working on Foreman networking refactoring. If you want to know more about upcomming changes in networking setup of the host, how to set primary and provisioning interfaces and what improvements are prepared for NIC objects on bare metals see the detailed summary on the list. Also don’t miss the networking unification deepdive that will guide you through the changes.

Multi-host orchestration

is in early stage of development, which means you can help it a lot to become awesome. If you are interested in this topic, there is a detailed design plan and discussion here on the mailing list, covering defining new terms, stories and plans. And let us know what do you think.

Foreman Live CD

was mentioned in the last newsletter. Since then we have upgraded Foreman Live CD image to be based on CentOS 7 and are extending Foremen installer with wizards for easier setup of networking and authentication. Detailed report should land on the list soon.

OpenSCAP plugin

OpenSCAP is a toolkit for security compliance automation build on top of SCAP standard. OpenSCAP ecosystem includes low-level C library, command-line scanner, graphical interface (scap-workbench), hardening guidances (scap-security-guide), Anaconda installer add-on, and integration with Spacewalk project. Work on integration with Foreman has just started. See announcement on the list for more.

Meeting together

There are a few interesting Foreman related conferences out there

  •  - we even have a dedicated track for all Foreman things there 
  • FOSDEM - config management, don’t forget ti visit visit IaaS and Virtualisation rooms 
  • devconf CZ - meet people form Red Hat and Fedora communities in Czech Republic 
  • T3chfest - it’s mainly geared towards university students

Hope to see you there!

New media

  • Sprint 31 Demo
  • Salt integration deep dive
  • Networking unification

Both clips are availabe on our media page.

Comments from the community:

Foreman 3.12.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.11.2 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.