Booting Discovery over HTTP

PXE protocol is slow on high-latency networks. But there is a way out! To minimize the init RAM disk and to boot the squashed file system over http. In this article, we will take a look on this approach.

The idea is simple, init RAM disk which normally contains the standard one with the discovery ISO file concatenated can be replaced with own one with some kernel modules built it. Then the squashed file system can be extracted from the discovery ISO and exposed via HTTP protocol.

On any Linux system with dracut installed, generate new RAM disk with livenet module. I’ve used Fedora, you can also use CentOS 7 to get the very same image as we ship in the official ISO image:

sudo yum -y install dracut-network

The above command is for Red Hat distributions, for all others make sure dracut has the network module installed. Now generate the RAM disk:

export TFTP=/var/lib/tftpboot/boot
sudo dracut -m "livenet network base" $TFTP/discovery-http.img --force -v -L5 -N

Copy the current kernel as well:

cp ls /boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r) $TFTP/discovery-http-vmlinuz

Generate PXELinux configuration:

cat /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default
LABEL discovery_http
MENU LABEL Foreman Discovery via HTTP
KERNEL boot/discovery-http-vmlinuz
APPEND initrd=boot/discovery-http.img ip=dhcp root=live:http://SOME_HTTP_SERVER/squashfs.img ro acpi=force rd.luks=0 rd.lvm=0 rd.debug=1 nomodeset proxy.url=https://FOREMAN_SERVER proxy.type=foreman

You should do this in Foreman UI (“PXELinux global default”) instead of editing directly.

Now, mount the discovery ISO and extract the LiveOS/squashfs.img and put it on any HTTP server which is visible to discovered nodes. Make sure to modify the SOME_HTTP_SERVER option above!

Boot. Celebrate.

There is one drawback, each discovered host requests two IP addresses via DHCP, one without any client id and one with client id set to “fdi”. We need a patch for either dracut or discovery image to be able to set the client id to one same value, so DHCP servers do not allocate two leases. It’s wasting of resources, but it works.

An alternative approach is to use “nbd” dracut module instead “livenet” and then to provide something like

ip=dhcp root=nbd:TFTP_SERVER:discovery:squashfs ro

In this case, you need to serve the squashfs.img file on the TFTP (or any other) server:

mkdir /etc/nbd-server/; cat >/etc/nbd-server/config <<EOF
exportname = /path/to/squashfs.img
readonly = true
multifile = false
copyonwrite = false

yum -y install nbd

This mounts the root file system via NBD protocol. This is faster and consumes less memory on the nodes, but there is no overlay FS so the file system is not writeable. If you can get this working this way, let us know in the comments below.

Comments from the community:

Foreman 3.12.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.11.2 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.