Tackling review culture

I’ll start with a clarification: This problem isn’t unique to Foreman

What problem? Oh, right, I haven’t defined it yet. So here’s the issue - sometimes, every few months or so, we hit a situation where on one (or more) of our repos, Pull Requests (PRs) are being forgotten about. This leads to problems - if they’re big PRs, it probably means something important isn’t getting done. If it’s small PRs, then likely, it’s useful bugfixes that aren’t getting merged. If the author is a core dev, then it’s demoralising, and they may leave the project. If it’s a new contributor, the experience may put them off further contribution. It’s not good, any way you slice it.

As stated, this isn’t unique to Foreman - any project will undergo this kind of issue as it grows. The real challenge is - what do we do about it?

We’ve had discussions repeatedly in the past about what actions to take, but mostly, it’s been short term solutions such as people choosing to focus on the repo that’s been neglected. Since I now have the responsibility of helping the community solve the things that block it from being most effective, I decided to try and tackle this.

The rest of this post is devoted to my own musings, and musing of others, taken from this post on the dev mailing list, and the action plan for the next few months.

So what’s up with reviews?

There’s really 3 issues we need to address.

Reviews are hard

…but not as hard as we make them out to be. It’s a perception problem. The prevailing assumption is that the reviewer needs to be smarter than the person who authored the code - because they have to understand it and look for problems the author didn’t see.

I actually disagree with that statement - reviewing works because we all bring different viewpoints to our review. We spot issues not because we are smarter, but because we’ve been exposed to those things before, which the author may not have. However, we do have a perception problem - if reviews are seen as hard, no one wants to even try. We need to get the concepts behind a review over better.

Reviews are not sexy

Let’s face it, given the choice between reviewing someone’s patch and writing code of our own, most developers would choose writing their own. Reviewing is not glamorous.

The problem here is that we give no acknowledgement of the time and effort people spend reviewing code. Reviewers are not in the Contributors file. They don’t show up in Redmine metrics or Github. Nothing. I don’t think we can make reviews actually sexy, but if we don’t at least make reviewers feel warm and fuzzy for doing reviews, we’re going to lose out to coding every time.

Reviews are hard to find

This is counter intuitive - they’re all up on GitHub, right? Nicely labelled, easy to sort? Well, yeeesss, kind of.

The issue is one of fragmentation. GitHub makes it very easy to get tunnel-vision, looking only at a few repos that are of interest to you and not seeing the wider picture. While you can search the entire theforeman namespace on GitHub, I expect few people actually do, and it’s certainly not intuitive to new users. Additionally, those who work by email miss all the labels completely.

If we can’t make it easy to find the PRs that need urgent attention, then even the most competent and willing reviewers are wasted.

What’s da plan, sarge?

Really, there’s a few steps we can take to tackle the above points.

Regarding making reviewing accessible, it’s mostly a case of better documentation. Daniel Lobato is preparing a developers Handbook, which will contain many things to do with setting up, testing, patching and reviewing Foreman code. It will include sections on:

  • Guidelines/Style for authors
  • Guidelines/Style for reviewers
  • Reviewer mentoring & reviewer/author collaboration
  • Expectations for new reviewers

and more. The aim is to demystify the art of the review, and promote the idea that a review is a positive thing you can do as a new contributor to Foreman.

For appreciating and attributing to reviewers, we’re planning to build some metrics based on GitHub. We’ll be setting the Assigned-To field on each pull request (new reviewers without direct access to this will have a way to request it via a comment to PrProcessor). This will allow us to see who’s doing reviews, and how many, and give appropriate thanks to those people.

For discovering PRs to review, the above system will also collect metrics on the PRs themselves, in an attempt to determine the “age” of the PR. In particular, we want to know the urgency of the PR, using this method:

  • Have there been any comments other than the author/theforeman-bot
    • If no, age is just how long it’s been open
    • If yes, is the last (by date) comment from the author?
      • If no, it’s waiting for response by the author, skip
      • If yes, the author is either asking a question, or has replied to review comments
        • Age is therefore time since last author comment

We can probably augment this further if the Assigned-To field is set, because then we can check the last time the assigned person commented, too.

Hopefully this enables us to see which PRs are in need of input without any author waiting too long.

In addition, we’ll gather general stats about no. of PRs, no. of reviews, no. of waiting PRs and so on, for display either in the newsletter or the community demo.

Wrapping it up

That’s our plan - we’ll be implementing this in the next few weeks, and intend to review the situation at ConfigManagementCamp at the start of Feb. Hopefully, we’ll be able to report an improvement!

I’d love to hear further thoughts from everyone on how this might work out, whether it would encourage you to start reviewing code (or review more), or indeed anything else you want to mention. Let’s hear it in the comments below!

Comments from the community:

Foreman 3.12.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.11.2 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.