Upcoming conferences and events in the Foreman Community

With FOSDEM, ConfigManagement Camp, DevConf, and our first ever Foreman Construction Day fast approaching, I thought you might like a bit more detail on our plans. Read on if you do!

FOSDEM 2016, 30-31 January, Brussels

Once again a large part of the Foreman Community will be gathered in Brussels for FOSDEM 2016. We have been granted a booth (I assume it will be in K building, as per previous years) which we’ll again be sharing with the oVirt team. We’ll have a nice Foreman/oVirt demo in place, as well as a variety of swag for you to get. There should be Foreman people around the stand at any time, so drop by and say hi!

For talks, check out the Config Management, Virtualization, and Container devrooms for things that are relevant to Foreman. Oved Ourfali will be giving a talk on oVirt/Foreman integration - see the schedule

There’s also going to be a Foreman Community dinner on the Saturday night (30th). Venue is still to be confirmed, but if you want to join us, the latest are on the Google+ event. Sign up there, or mail me directly if you’re not a fan of G+.

ConfigManagement Camp 2016, 1-2 February, Ghent

Immediately after FOSDEM, we’ll shift location to the beautiful city of Ghent for our annual track at ConfigManagement camp. The Foreman track is now published and looks fantastic! If you don’t already have your ticket, get on the waiting list now, and hopefully we can squeeze you in.

Socially, there’s a general drinkup event on Monday for the whole conference, and no doubt something impromptu will happen on Tuesday night. Which leads us to…

Foreman Construction Day, 3 February, Ghent

Immediately after CfgMgmtCamp, and in the same venue, we’ll be holding our first ever Foreman Construction Day. This is a new event for us, and we’re essentially aiming to have a slightly-structured hack day. Roughly, the agenda for the day is:

  • 09.30 Welcome / Introductions / Decide focus groups
  • 10:00 Hack session 1 (with break around 11am)
  • 12:00 Re-group to discuss progress so far / discuss roadblocks
  • 12:40 Lunch
  • 14:00 Hack session 2 (with break around 3pm)
  • 15:20 Re-group to present results / further work
  • 16:00 End

Since this is a hack event, times are only approximate. The aim is to dicuss (probably with the help of a whiteboard) some of the things we can use in-person time to solve. These don’t have to be coding - I personally hope to recruit some people to help me brainstorm community things. All attendees are welcome to submit ideas for forming a group around (this is similar to the ‘unconference’ style of talk planning).

Once we have enough topics for everyone to get involved in, we’ll spend most of the morning getting started. Just before lunch, we can all get back together to talk about how we’re doing. The afternoon is pretty similar in structure. A more detailed agenda is on the Eventbrite page.

Since we’re in the same venue, the same catering applies as for ConfigManagement - we’ll be getting breakfast, lunch, and coffee/cake during breaks. We should have a couple of rooms, so there’s space to spread out and get things done.

If you’re interested in being part of this, and aren’t signed up yet, please grab a (free!) ticket at the event link above - tickets mean we can get the catering numbers right :)

DevConf 2016, 5-7 February, Brno

Finally, if you’re not conferenced-out by then, we’ll also have a booth at DevConf 2016, Brno, Czech Republic. We’ve nothing official planned socially for this one, but I’ve no doubt that we could get up to some mischief if we get enough of us together. If you’re in the area, do drop by!

Wrap up

So, it’s a hectic schedule for the next month - I’m currently busy finalising all the things above. If you’re going to be at any of these events, come and introduce yourself; it’s always great to put names (or IRC nicks) to faces!

If you can’t make it, at least wave in the comments below - and let us know where else we should be planning to be in the future,

Comments from the community:

Foreman 3.12.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.11.2 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.