New Foreman Training Course!

Foreman now has a training course! The awesome folks over at NETWAYS decided to release their Foreman material as an open project for the community to use and contribute to. Read on for details!

The background

A while ago, I got talking to Dirk Götz over at NETWAYS, and learned that they had been working on a training course for Foreman, so that they could offer it as part of their training progamme. I was interested in finding out more, as it’s something that until now we haven’t had in the Foreman community.

Dirk kindly agreed to let me take a look at the material, and I was impressed! Weighing in at over 180 pages, covering not just basic Foreman activities, but also a lot of the plugins too, there was a lot of good stuff here… and then inspiration struck! We’d had comments on the community survey that the manual was too dry for some people’s learning style… so maybe a training course would be a good alternative for those looking to get to grips with Foreman in a more hands-on way.

Opening it up

Excited now, not just to be able to offer something new, but also to provide a solution to some of the feedback we’d had, we approached Dirk and NETWAYS with the suggestion to release the training course as an open collaboration, for the benefit of the Foreman community. To my great delight, they agreed!

You can find the training course on our new Training Page or on the NETWAYS site. The course is designed as a 2 day workshop, and is available to both those looking to self-study or provide Foreman training of their own.

You can read Dirk’s own thoughts on this on his blog, or listen to us discuss the release on last week’s community demo.

What next?

Of course, we’d really like to see contributions to this - if you’re giving or taking the training and see any problems, please do send us patches. If you’re a plugin developer, perhaps consider adding a module to the course for your plugin?

Also, if you do decide to do training courses of your own, consider letting us know - you can add such events to our shiny new events page!

Comments from the community:

Foreman 3.12.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.11.2 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.