Foreman Community Newsletter - July 2016

Time again for the Foreman Newsletter! It’s been a busy month, and all the details are coming right up.

Foreman’s 7th Birthday!

On July 13th, Foreman turned 7 years old! Parties have been happening in some of our communities (see the birthday events page) and there’s still a few to come.

Here’s a few pictures from some of the events:

Belgium Birthday Nuremburg Birthday Tel Aviv Birthday Ohad's Present

7 years is quite a milestone - and we’re still growing! [Citation needed :P - I’ll get to that]. We’d like to thank everyone who’s participated in the project over the years. Whether it’s coding, testing, documenting, translating, reporting bugs… you’re all amazing, and Foreman wouldn’t be where it is today without the community that has developed around it. Thank you all!

1.12 released

The latest release of Foreman, 1.12.0, was released on 11th July, bringing with it the anticipated Puppet 4 support, and support for Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) in the package repos. That was followed by 1.12.1 on July 25th, fixed a lot of bugs as well as a couple of security issues (4995 & 5390). As ever, you can find out more about 1.12.0 and 1.12.1 on the announcements.

If you’re upgrading from Puppet 3 to Puppet 4 as part of your 1.12 upgrade, you may want to take a look at the migration page we’ve put together to document the upgrade steps. This has been confirmed working by a few people, but as with all complex upgrades, do take care.

1.11.4 bugfix release

The final release in our 1.11 series, 1.11.4 was released on July 25th. This brings 3 CVE fixes (4475, 4995 & 5390) as well as numerous bug fixes. It’s also likely to be the last release in the 1.11 series, so start planning your 1.12 upgrade. You can learn more from the announcement.

Katello 3.0.2 released and 3.1 in RC phase

The latest release in the Katello 3.0 line was released on July 6th, bringing bugfixes as well as resolutions for some significant upgrade issues. More details are available in the announcement

Katello 3.1 is also in the Release Candidate phase, and as ever, your testing is greatly valued. If you’d like to help with testing, you can get involved here. Thanks to all our awesome testers!

Foreman Ansible 1.0, now with support for roles

Ansible is a big topic in the community right now, so it’s great news that @dlobatog has released Foreman Ansible 1.0 with support for Ansible roles! He’s looking for feedback on this, so do get involved - as ever, you can learn more in the announcement.

New media and blogs

Community Demo - 7th July

On this edition of the community demo, we looked at the 7th birthday events, heard about our community booth at Red Hat Summit, and took a look at IPv6, Ansible, Azure, and more!

Case Study: Foreman in Consulting, Government, AWS - with Matt Darcy

In this case study, we spoke with Matt Darcy (ikonia on IRC) who talked to us about doing consulting work with Foreman, getting Foreman implemented in governments, and extensive use of the AWS features we have.

Community Demo - 28th July

On this demo, we rounded up the news from the birthday parties, took a look at log filtering in Dynflow, and saw the huge list of changes in Discovery 6.0

(All Foreman events are now available via the Foreman Calendar)

Updated plugins


Thanks to everyone who contributes to the Foreman community - patches, plugins, testing, bug reports, translations, interviews, presentations, and everything else. Your efforts are very much appreciated!

Comments from the community:

Foreman 3.12.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.11.2 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.