Foreman Community Newsletter - April 2017

Welcome again to another edition of the Foreman Community Newsletter. Step right this way for all the latest information…!

Foreman 1.15 RC1 & 2 out for testing

The Foreman 1.15 Release Candidates have been going strong, and 1.15-RC2 was out just this week. If you want to get an early look at all the upcoming features (such as an entirely new notification system, SSH key management for users, and much more) then jump in and get involved with testing the RCs.

As ever, we rely on you guys to test the release candidates (and so many of you do, thanks!), and again we’re seeing that participation bearing fruit. Please do continue to log the bugs you find in the RCs so that we can ensure the 1.15 release is as smooth as possible.

1.14.3 Bugfix release

Foreman 1.14.3 bugfix release was published on April 4th, containing eleven fixes for a variety of issues across the API, UI, Installer and so on. Thanks, as always, to the reporters, developers, and reviewers for the fixes!

Katello 3.4 RC1 & 2 available

In tandem with the 1.15 Release Candidates for Foreman Core, the Katello 3.4 Release Candidates are also available. See the release announcement. As ever, we value the testing, and if you hit any issues, please to raise a bug on the Katello tracker.

Debian 9 (Stretch) support lands in nightly

Thanks to the hard work of the packaging team (mostly @mmoll!) packages for Debian 9 (Stretch) are now available in nightly, and feedback on how well they work for people is welcome. If you do test, please be aware that MySQL support is currently not functional as the puppetlabs-mysql module is awaiting a new release; PostgreSQL and SQLite should both work fine.

Upcoming Events

Foreman already manages most of the lifecycle of your servers. To really put a server into production, it’s considered good practice to use automated monitoring to alert you whenever something doesn’t behave like it should. In this deep dive, Timo Goebel and Dirk Goetz will show off the new Foreman and SmartProxy monitoring plugin’s allow an administrator to connect Foreman and the monitoring solution Icinga 2.

Every 3 weeks we get together to take a look at what’s been happening in the Foreman community, and you’re always welcome to join us live on YouTube to get involved, ask questions, and make your views known. The next demo will be May 11th, so we’ll see you then!

Community Demos

For this community ‘demo’ we decided to turn the tables and ask the community what it wanted to hear about. We grabbed a panel of devs and had a chat covering a wide range of topics, so check it out! Do let me know if you’d like to see more of this style of content!

(All Foreman events are now available via the Foreman Calendar)

Updated plugins

Updated plugins:


Thanks to everyone who contributes to the Foreman community - patches, plugins, testing, bug reports, translations, interviews, presentations, meet ups and everything else. Your efforts are very much appreciated!

Comments from the community:

Foreman 3.12.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.11.2 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.