Foreman Community Newsletter - July 2017

Happy birthday to us! July is our birthday month, and we’re now 8 years old! Here’s what happened this month…

Birthday parties!

It’s our 8th birthday, and we’re still going strong - and that’s largely down to our fine community of users and devs. I’ve said this before, but I’ve never worked in a more friendly, knowledgable, and professional community, and it’s a delight to be helping to grow that. So a huge personal thanks from me to you all - you’re all wonderful :)

To celebrate our birthday, we thought we’d again hold some birthday parties. Folks gathered in Nuremburg, Antwerp, Raleigh, and Brno for talks, chats, food, and good cheer. You can find some pictures from Nuremburg and Antwerp here, here, and here, and I’m reliably informed that all events were great fun - and no doubt we’ll do it again next year, so pencil a July trip in your calendar!

Foreman 1.15.2 released

1.15.2 was released on July 13th, and is primarily a bugfix release, with 15 fixes including the notable fix_db_cache bug that made Foreman unbootable in some situations - do upgrade! You can find the details here and as always you can report any future bugs on the issue tracker. Thanks as always to the community for finding, reporting, and fixing these issues!

Katello 3.4.3 released

Katello 3.4.3 was released on July 14th, bringing with it an update to the the Pulp backend (to Pulp 2.13.2). It’s unusual to change the Pulp backend mid-release-cycle, but due to the number of issues found in 2.12, the team decided to go ahead (details). Please do log any issues you find with this, as there will be more minor relases in the 3.4 release series.

Upcoming Events

Time again for the latest roundup of action from the community, covering core, proxies, plugins, and more. As always, you’re welcome to participate in the show, either via YouTube Live chat, or via our IRC channel (

Community Demos / Deep Dives

13th of July is our actual birthday, so it’s a happy coincidence that the demo landed on this day. Accordingly, this was a packed demo, full of content for core, plugins, dev tools, and much more. Check it out!

Dmitri Dolguikh (better known as ‘witlessb’ on IRC) has been deep in the guts of IPv6 provisioning with Foreman for some time now, and he’d like to share the results of his efforts.

Running Foreman in a container is a question that comes up from time to time in the Foreman community. Eric Helms has been experimenting with running the whole Foreman stack (core, proxies, plugins) inside Kubernetes, and wants to show you how it looks.

(All Foreman events are now available via the Foreman Calendar)

New / Updated plugins

New plugin - Smart Proxy Realm AD provider

This plugin adds direct AD realm integreation from the Smart Proxy. Useful if you directly integrate with Active Directory and dont use FreeIPA. The author is actively looking for testers on this, so please try it out and log issues on his GitHub repo

Updated plugins:


Thanks to everyone who contributes to the Foreman community - patches, plugins, testing, bug reports, translations, interviews, presentations, meetups and everything else. Your efforts are very much appreciated!

Comments from the community:

Foreman 3.12.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.11.2 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.