Foreman Community Newsletter - October 2017

So this is a little late, but it’s worth the wait, promise!

Foreman 1.16 RC2 is out

Foreman 1.16 RC2 is finally out! Thanks for your patience with this, the release hit so many errors on it’s path to release, it’s a wonder we didn’t set the whole data centre on fire or something… Still, here it is, with over 40 bug fixes since last release. As a reminder, the headline features in 1.16:

Changes in this release include:

  • Netgroups support for LDAP
  • VMWare SCSI controllers with per-disk configuration
  • Puppet 5 support
  • Many UI changes such as Patternfly pagination
  • An interface to Webpack for plugins

Full details about the RC2 release can be found here.

As ever, we’ll be glad to get comments and issues reported to issue tracker to make the release of 1.16 faster and better. We anticipate that there may be one more RC before 1.16 is out, so look out for that too.

Foreman 1.15.6 released

After 1.15.5 was skipped due to tagging issues, 1.15.6 is next and (likely) final release in the 1.15 series. Released Oct 11th, it covers 19 issues that were fixed and all the details appear on the announce list. As always bugs can be reported on issue tracker and we appreciate getting reports and of course fixes!

Katello 3.5 RC1

Release Oct 19th, the first RC for Katello 35 is now out, see the post for details. As always, we’d love your feedback, so do report any issues you find to the Katello bug tracker!

Foreman on

If IRC is a little too “plain” for you, or you just want a persistent connection so you don’t miss replies, you can now join the Foreman chat channels from The same two rooms exist there ( and and they are bridged to, so you can freely use IRC or Matrix to chat with us. I’ve personally moved over to Matrix, and I’m loving it.

Either way, hope to see you in one of the channels sometime soon!

Vertical Navigation Survey

Thanks to all who replied to the vertical navigation survey last month. There was a lot of great feedback, much of which has already been incorporated. In the end, 100% of the 30+ responses were a “Yes” vote, so I’m happy to say that the vertical navigation is merged to develop, and will be the new UI from 1.17 onwards!

For those who haven’t seen it yet, you can see screenshots on the (now-merged) pr. Big thanks to Amir who did the coding and Rox who worked on the design!

New Sponsors?

You may have seen the furore caused by Rackspace a few weeks ago, and the subsequent retraction. We do rely heavily on Rackspace at the moment, so you can imagine this rattled us. The second message means there’s no immediate panic, but if you want to help us spread our load, then get_in_touch!

Upcoming Events

  • Community Demo - 16th November (URL to be announced)

Time again for the latest round-up of action from the community, covering core, proxies, plugins, and more. As always, you’re welcome to participate in the show, either via YouTube Live chat, or via our IRC channel (

Community Demos / Deep Dives

With most of the team away on vacations and so forth, we took a look at some small updates before having a round table discussion on a few topics such as containers for Foreman, hooking into the Notifications framework, revamping the website, and so on.

On this demo we covered the awesome new Deb support added to Katello by the guys at Atix, and some UI updates, and took a look at some of the infrastructure challenges we’re facing at the moment.

(All Foreman events are now available via the Foreman Calendar)

Plugin news

Updated plugins:


Thanks to everyone who contributes to the Foreman community - patches, plugins, testing, bug reports, translations, interviews, presentations, meetups and everything else. Your efforts are very much appreciated!

Comments from the community:

Foreman 3.12.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.11.2 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.