Foreman Community Newsletter - February 2018

Thank you to everyone that came to see us and especially those that gave talks in FOSDEM and Config Management Camp!

Foreman 1.17 RC1 out

The Foreman first Release Candidate for 1.17 was released two weeks ago. This version finally has the vertical navigation you’ve seen in the last few demos. See the announcement for installation details.

As ever, we’d be glad to get feedback and appreciate all the help with testing and fixes! Please do continue to log the bugs you find in order to make this release better.

Katello 3.5.1 released

Katello 3.5.1 is here! This version works with Foreman 1.16 and provides features and bug fixes all around - installer, content views, API and more. More details in the announcement. Please do log any issues you find with this.

Katello 3.6 RC1 out

Katello 3.6 is available for testing! This version will work with Foreman 1.17. This brings in a lot of features and bug fixes which can be seen in the change log. Reporting of bugs will be appreciated.

Community survey 2018

The survey is still open. We have some nice responses and we want more! Let’s beat last years responses and help us shape the direction of the project.

Upcoming Events

  • Community Demo - 8th March (URL to be announced)

Time again for the latest round-up of action from the community, covering core, proxies, plugins, and more. As always, you’re welcome to participate in the show, either via YouTube Live chat, or via our IRC channel (

  • Deep Dive - Foreman-Probing - 7th March In this deep dive we’ll meet a new plugin, foreman-probing. This plugin allows scanning networks and creating Hosts in Foreman for the detected machines. Adam will describe the plugin’s features, inner working and possible usage for brownfield deployments.

  • Deep Dive - Telemetry in Foreman - 14th March Rails internal telemetry was recently added into Foreman Core, in this demo Lukáš Zapletal is going to configure and show how to integrate Foreman with Prometheus. The next part will cover all currently exported metrics, how to read them and utilize for finding bottlenecks. In the last part, he is going to show how to add your own telemetry data into core or plugins.

Community Demos / Deep Dives

  • UX review - Red Hat Repositories page - 12th Feb This demo provided an in-depth look at the new Red Hat Repositories page. A page that has been rewritten using React. It adds search and filtering capabilities and brings that page inline with patternfly best practices.

  • Community Demo - 15th Feb This time we shared experiences from the latest conferences, showed our ansible integration updates, hammer improvements, changes and new features in remote execution, reports and searchable fields in the API.

(All Foreman events are now available via the Foreman Calendar)

Blog posts

Running Foreman with PostgreSQL 9.6 from Software Collections

When deploying Foreman on CentOS 7, by default you get PostgreSQL 9.2 which is officially EOL upstream. This post shows how to deploy Foreman with PostgreSQL 9.6 from

Plugin news

Updated plugins:


Thanks to everyone who contributes to the Foreman community - patches, plugins, testing, bug reports, translations, interviews, presentations, meetups and everything else. Your efforts are very much appreciated!

Comments from the community:

Foreman 3.12.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.11.2 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.