Foreman Community Newsletter - July 2018

Foreman 1.18.0 released

The next stable release of Foreman (1.18.0) was released on July 19th, with many new features and bug fixes. Everyone is encouraged to schedule their upgrades, especially if you’re still on the (now unmaintained) 1.16 series.

As ever, many thanks to the contributors to this release - coders, RC testers, documentation writers, and bug/feature reporters. Foreman wouldn’t be what it is without you! If you do find issues with, please do report them!

Katello 3.7 released

Hard on the heels of the 1.18 release of Foreman core, the Katello team brought you version 3.7 on Jul 27th, with far too many features and bug fixes to list. If you’re upgrading a Katello install, do be sure to read the upgrade notes.

Huge thanks to all the contributors to this release - as with core, we couldn’t put out these releases without you! Further issues with Katello should be reported, as always.

1.19 RC1, Katello 3.8 RC1, and test week event

Since we’re trying to make up time for the slow releases over the last year or so, the next releases of Foreman and Katello are already being prepared. Release candidates for 1.19 and 3.8 are already available, and as always we’d like you help to test them!

To give a little structure to this, we’ve again organised a test week event during which we’d like to see as many of our end-user scenarios tested as possible. If any of these fit your workflow, and you’re willing to give the RC a spin, please do! Be sure to let us know how it went and of course report any bugs that you find. Thanks!

Foreman’s 9th Birthday

July is our birthday month, this year we are 9! Everyone who’s a part of this lovely community deserves a $beverage-of-choice, we wouldn’t be here today without you.

To celebrate, we teamed up with our friends at Atix for a 9th birthday party hackday. You can read all about the good times over on their blog

6 months of Discourse

The start of this month also marked a full 6 months since our migration to Discourse. It’s had a noticeable effect on both the user and dev communities, and in a good way. To mark the occasion, I wrote a short blog post analysing some of the data Discourse generates, looking at trends in community growth and amount of discussion. Check it out

Redmine upgrade

The Redmine instance completed its upgrade path last week, we are now fully up to date. Thanks to everyone for their patience during the chaos that caused.

RFCs needing attention

Here’s this month’s selection of open discussion areas:

Upcoming Events

The Foreman Community has now fully embraced Discourse as the source of its event data - if you’ve been using the old /events/all.ics in your own calendar, you’ll need to head over to the forum calendar and hit the Subscribe button (which will give you an ICS link). You can also use the Add To Calendar button on specific events if you don’t wish to import the whole thing.

Future community demos will now be created much further in advance, so you should be able to keep up with upcoming demos there.

All the usual goodness from the community, rounded up and presented for your viewing pleasure.

Foreman Project will have a huge appearance at DevConf India ’18. We have two talks lined up on the very first day of the conference, as well as a booth at the conference, so drop by and say hello! We’ll have very exciting goodies and t-shirts at the Foreman booth, make sure you grab them before they are gone :slight_smile:

Past Events

Subscriptions, Jenkins, live images, and an awesome new reporting engine from Marek. Do watch!

Plugin news

New plugins:

Dropped plugins (unmaintained, no longer working):

  • ABRT
  • Azure

Updated plugins:


Thanks to everyone who contributes to the Foreman community - patches, plugins, testing, bug reports, translations, interviews, presentations, meetups and everything else. Your efforts are very much appreciated!

Comments from the community:

Foreman 3.12.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.11.2 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.