Introducing myself!

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself, I am Rahul Bajaj and I have been working as a Software Engineer at Red Hat for a year and a half now. I am the co-maintainer of Foreman Discovery Plugin and also contribute to repos like Foreman core, hammer-cli-foreman, forklift, and pulp. Currently I am working on integrating SSO with Foreman via Keycloak.

I have always been interested in community where I keep meeting new like-minded people that share the same interests as mine. Talking of the Foreman community, I run the Foreman Pune Meetups chapter, where my main aim is to introduce new contributors to the project and ask them about their experience working with it.

I like to speak about my work and have done so in various conferences like TheDevTheory Conf,, #live, etc. As excinting it is to speak at a conference, I take immense pleasure in volunteering too and have been a part of conferences like Pycon India,, rails girls, fedora meetups, Pycon India, Ruby Conf, etc. If you are interested in reading any of my experiences then here’s my blog.

Community to me has always been about give and take, when I was a student, I learned a lot from the community(I am still doing the same) and now I like going to colleges and teaching students such that one day they can mentor someone else and the chain continues.

Currently my short term aim is to change the look and feel of the foreman documentation. I am also working on creating a quickstart guide that will help the new contributors for getting started quickly.

I am really looking forward to work with the community, I have so much to learn from all of you guys. Feel free to reach out to me for anything :)

Comments from the community:

Foreman 3.12.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.11.2 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.