Foreman Community Newsletter (November 2019)

Welcome back to the Foreman Newsletter! After a few months full of conferences that kept our community team very busy, we are now back for good :)

1.24 RC2 && Katello 3.14 RC1 are out!

The first release candidate for 1.24 was released! That is not a mistake, we had to skip RC1. Please take part in our testing of the release candidates! Look out for RC3 which should be coming out this week!

Katello’s first elease candidate for 3.14 is also out! We’re looking forward to see any issues reported soon.

New Releases (1.22.2, 1.23.1, Katello 3.13.1 released)

We’ve been busy with a lot of releases this past month. Version 1.22.2 is the last version for 1.22 due to the upcoming 1.24, see the full details in the announcement.

1.23.1 was also released with 13 bug fixes, mostly around upgrades and parameters. Reports for bugs are welcome in our issue tracker.

Katello 3.13.0 was released on Oct 8 and 3 weeks ago 3.13.1 joined in with 10 bug fixes, more details here and please do report any issues.

As ever, many thanks to the contributors to these releases - coders, RC testers, documentation writers, and bug/feature reporters. Foreman wouldn’t be what it is without you!

Conference roundup

  • Open Source Camp A full day of everything Foreman, hosted by NETWAYS! In case you missed it, read all about it in our blog!

  • Foreman TechDay 2019 Right after OSAD, ATIX organized a hackday for Foreman.

  • Norwalk IO John Mitch presented “Managing your systems with Foreman and Katello” at Norwalk IO.

Open CFP

FOSDEM Infra Management devroom is still accepting CFPs until the end of the month, see more details.

CfgMgmtCamp - there is still time to submit your talk! CFP has been extended until the 3rd of December.

More Upcoming Events

All Foreman events are available via the forum calendar - hit the Subscribe button (which will give you an ICS link). You can also use the “Add To Calendar” button on specific events if you don’t wish to import the whole thing.

Every few weeks we host a Community Demo to showcase new & interesting developments from the Foreman community. We encourage participation from any member of the community (although you do need a Google account), so if you’ve been working on something cool, please do come show it off.

  • FOSDEM & CfgMgmtCamp - our stand has been accepted to both! Look out for more details in next month’s newsletter!

Past Events

For those of you that have been following our demos live, we have been experiencing technical issues with the live broadcast. This is a result of YouTube dropping the option to use Hangouts on Air. We are working on other live solutions but for now all of our demos are recorded and uploaded right after the time slot we publicize.

If anyone would like to join us live, please reach out and we’ll send out a link we use for the presenters.

New Maintainers

This month we have 3 new maintainers in the Foreman core repo! Congratulations and good luck to Avi Sharvit, Amir Feferkuchen and Shira Maximov! We hope to see you active and bring the open PR number way down!


Thanks to everyone who contributes to the Foreman community - patches, plugins, testing, bug reports, translations, interviews, presentations, meetups and everything else. Your efforts are very much appreciated!

Comments from the community:

Foreman 3.12.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.11.2 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.