Foreman Community Newsletter (January 2020)

Community Survey is now Live!

Community Survey

The Survey is open!!

As every year we use our conference season as an opportunity to get as much feedback as we can from you! Those who attend conferences have a chance to talk to our developers face to face but for not everyone is there and we don’t have a chance to ask each of you about everything they use so answering the survey is the best way to reach us and make sure we are focused on your issues in the upcoming year.

1.24.2 released!

It’s been a busy month with 2 releases for 1.24 - [1.24.1] with 21 fixes and 1.24.2 which adds 4 fixes, one of which was an important migration fix and also a significant performance improvement of fact cleanup! See the full details in the announcement.

Reminder: This will be the last version before Foreman 2.0 so please notice all the deprecation warnings in the release notes.

As ever, many thanks to the contributors to this release - coders, RC testers, documentation writers, and bug/feature reporters. Foreman wouldn’t be what it is without you! If you do find issues with, please do report them!

Katello 3.14.1 and 3.13.4 are out!

Katello 3.14.1 is a small but significant version which fixes a bug that was preventing content hosts from subscribing to non-Red Hat repositories. This fix was also added to the 3.13 version, releasing 3.13.4. Huge thanks to all the contributors to this release - as with core, we couldn’t put out these releases without you! Further issues with Katello should be reported, as always.


FOSDEM: 1-2 February in Brussels. Come visit us at the booth on floor 2 of the K building or drop by on one of the Foreman talks in the Infra room!

CfgMgmtCamp: 3-5 in Ghent. See you there at the booth, Foreman room and our traditional hackday on the 5th! We’ll also have our yearly community dinner on the 4th!!

More Upcoming Events

All Foreman events are available via the forum calendar - hit the Subscribe button (which will give you an ICS link). You can also use the “Add To Calendar” button on specific events if you don’t wish to import the whole thing.

Every few weeks we host a Community Demo to showcase new & interesting developments from the Foreman community. We encourage participation from any member of the community (although you do need a Google account), so if you’ve been working on something cool, please do come show it off.

Past Events

DevConf.CZ: 24-26 January in Brno. Great to see everyone that visited us at the booth! And thank you to Nikhil Kathole for your talk “Foreman Single Sign On Made Easy With Keycloak”.

For those of you that have been following our demos live, we have been experiencing technical issues with the live broadcast. This is a result of YouTube dropping the option to use Hangouts on Air. We are working on other live solutions but for now all of our demos are recorded and uploaded right after the time slot we publicize.

If anyone would like to join us live, please reach out and we’ll send out a link we use for the presenters.

New UI interest group

A new UI interest group was formed to talk about all things UI related in Foreman and plugins. If you’d like to join the meetings the are weekly on Monday. Information is on the calendar.


Thanks to everyone who contributes to the Foreman community - patches, plugins, testing, bug reports, translations, interviews, presentations, meetups and everything else. Your efforts are very much appreciated!

Comments from the community:

Foreman 3.12.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.11.2 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.