1. Foreman Statistics 1.0 Manual

This plugin enables Foreman to show a nice statistics dashboard and create Trend charts.

1.1 Release notes

Drop the cron job

Foreman statistics moves trend calculation from a cronjob to a Dynflow job and no manual steps are required. Users upgrading from Foreman 2.2 and older versions should ensure to remove any cronjobs that call foreman-rake trends:counter.

1.2 Compatibility

The plugin is compatible with all platforms supported by Foreman. Until Foreman version 2.1 the Trends and statistics were part of the core project, so this plugin has only value with Foreman 2.2 onwards.

2. Installation

2.1 Plugin Installation

Foreman Installer

You can install the plugin using foreman-installer like this

foreman-installer --enable-foreman-plugin-statistics

The installer will install the package and setup the foreman_statistics service which allows background processing of tasks.

Manual Installation

In case you want to install the package manually on an existing Foreman, use the following steps.

Install the packages appropriate for your operating system:


yum install tfm-rubygem-foreman-statistics


apt-get install ruby-foreman-statistics

3. User guide

Trends in Foreman allow tracking changes in your infrastructure over time. It allows tracking both Foreman related information and any facts. The Trend pages give a graph of how the number of hosts with that value have changed over time, and the current hosts list.

There are two pieces to the Trends area, the Trends to track and their corresponding counters. To define trend counters, use the “Add Trend Counter” button on the Monitor > Trends page. Optionally set the “Name” field to over-ride odd fact names to be more readable. Once created you can optionally ‘Edit’ the Trend to change the display names of the underlying values.

Finally note that these trends are the same for all users. So if you delete a Trend category you will loose all history for that trend and the trackers will start all over again. So please be careful when deleting.

Foreman 3.12.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.11.2 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.