Katello 3.17 Documentation

Managing Puppet Content

Importing the Puppet Forge

The Puppet Forge is a collection of puppet modules written by the community which can be used to manage hosts in Katello. These modules can be used in content views as described in the content views guide in order to configure the running hosts.

To import the puppet forge navigate to

Content > Products

Click on the +New Product button.

Once the product is created, select the product and click the Create Repository button. Fill out the repostitory as shown:

Adding a the Pupper Forge

This can be done via the CLI:

hammer product create
  --organization "Default Organization"
  --name Puppet

hammer repository create
  --organization "Default Organization"
  --product Puppet
  --name forge
  --content-type puppet
  --url "https://forge.puppetlabs.com/"

The repository can now be synced.

Importing Puppet Modules from Git

In order to allow users to import puppet modules from Git repositories, Katello comes with a tool called ‘pulp-puppet-module-builder’ from the pulp-puppet-tools RPM. This utility will be available on the Katello server but it can also be installed on another machine if desired. By running the ‘pulp-puppet-module-builder’ against a Git repository, it will checkout the repository, build all of the modules, and publish them in a structure Katello can synchronize.

The most common method is to run the utility on the Katello server itself and publish to a local file system directory and sync against that directory.

mkdir /modules
chmod 755 /modules
pulp-puppet-module-builder --output-dir=/modules --url=git@mygitserver.com:mymodules.git --branch=develop

This will checkout the ‘develop’ branch of the Git repository located at ‘git@mygitserver.com:mymodules.git’ and publish them to the /modules directory. If you have SELinux enabled, in order to sync from the file system, you’ll need to apply a label to the files in order for the system to access them. Two options are httpd_sys_r_content_t or pulp_tmp_t. Note: if you choose httpd_sys_r_content_t then the webserver can also read the files so that may or may not be good. One way to apply these labels would be to use the chcon command.

Next, from within Katello, simply set the url on your Puppet Repository to ‘file://modules’. You can now sync the Repository just like any other Repository.

If you are running this on a remote machine, you will need to publish the containing to folder to a location accessible by HTTP or HTTPS.

mkdir /var/www/html/modules/
chmod 755 /var/www/html/modules/
pulp-puppet-module-builder --output-dir=/var/www/html/modules --url=git@mygitserver.com:mymodules.git --branch=develop

Then in Katello, simply enter ‘http://HOSTNAME/modules/’ for the Repository url and sync it like you normally would.

Foreman 3.12.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.11.2 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.